
Gibbs & Bruns lawyers are affiliated with various professional organizations dedicated to enhancing the standards of trial practice:

American College of Trial Lawyers
Fellowship is extended by invitation only “to those experienced trial lawyers who have mastered the art of advocacy and whose professional careers have been marked by the highest standards of ethical conduct, professionalism, civility and collegiality.”

  Robin Gibbs, Fellow  
  Kathy Patrick, Fellow
  Barrett Reasoner, Fellow

American Board of Trial Advocates
Nominees must “display skill, civility and integrity to help younger attorneys achieve a higher level of trial advocacy and to educate the public about the vital importance of the Seventh Amendment.”  Members must meet strict trial experience and ethics requirements.

  Robin Gibbs, Advocate

International Academy of Trial Lawyers
Chartered in 1954, the IATL’s purpose is to “cultivate the science of jurisprudence, promote reforms in the law, facilitate the Administration of Justice, promote the Rule of Law internationally, [and] elevate the standards of integrity, honor and courtesy in the legal profession.”  Membership is limited to 500 U.S. Fellows and another 100 international Fellows from over 30 countries.  Members are engaged in civil and criminal trial practice and are from both the plaintiff’s and defendant’s sides of the counsel table.  IATL members represent the “most exceptional attorneys in the world.”

  Robin Gibbs, Fellow
  Kathy Patrick, Fellow
  Barrett Reasoner, Fellow

International Society of Barristers
The International Society of Barristers’ membership consists of only 800 lawyers “ajudged by their peers and judges to be outstanding in the field of advocacy.”  The Society “seeks to honor the role of the trial lawyer in our system of justice.”  One of the Society’s principal goals is the preservation of the adversary system and the jury trial.

  Robin Gibbs, Fellow
  Barrett Reasoner, Fellow